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Lorane - Bailey Constitutional

August 7, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: mid-80s, pretty hot on the bike

Slept in, sort of, then got up and went to get my allergy shot. I really wasn't in the mood for eggs and bacon, so I brought some extra heavy cream and had a Brails Espresso as breakfast. I generally dislike shot days, because I usually feel like shit...but for the most part, I didn't. Work day went quick, then I was out of there and home.

Still off running. I still feel tired, and Wednesday's run was evidence that my legs still need the rest. DL'd some podcasts and was out the door...then realized I had a flat in my front tire. Fixed it, then got out.

Felt...OK, but not great. The HR was really spikey. It took like no effort to spike well into the 140s and even 150s on easy climbs. I thought maybe I was pushing faster than if CA were along, but I was maybe a minute faster than Tuesday.

Rolled 64 or 65 for a 125 or so average - pretty damn high. I hope that's due to the mega-dose of allergens.

PM: cleaned up, then hit T&G to get some work done. Got another gait analysis AND another guy wanting coaching services. Then...grabbed some crap to eat (crappy Five Guys burger, crappy chips), but watched the first half of the epic, "Blood In, Blood Out!"

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes