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Waldo - course marking with Twiet

August 21, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 70 --> high 50s

Pretty OK day at work, but felt a little worn from the workout. Was NOT particularly looking forward to Waldo weekend - it was going to be HARD: course marking this afternoon, EARLY course marshaling tomorrow, then MORE marking tomorrow night.

CA and I got to Will Pass around 3:30. Barely anyone was there, save a few, including LB, Meghan, the Twietmeyers (Tim and Matt), Kelsie Clausen, among others. Checked in, figured out what I had to do, then went back to the truck to prep.

There's been some weird relationship shifts "in the community" in the past few months:

- Here, Emily Halnon has turned into super-bitch. First, it was this crazy jealousy + threat against Callie...just for existing. Emily's been "the girl" in our group for 1.5 years, and she was cold to her from Day 1. That has turned into downright rude and mean. And since May or June, it's spread to me. She won't talk to us, look our way (other than glares) and will cut off or interrupt Callie and-or change the subject when she's talking to the group. For me...I can only suspect it's because, in May, I told her that we'd shift our coaching relationship into consulting, rather than writing workouts. Well...she just stopped asking me for anything. I went out of my way to say, "Hey, you can still send me stuff", but she did not. Now she's crazy bitch. But she's wonderfully nice to everyone else. Total power game.

- Same with Monkey Boy, but that's been consistent for a long time, but now - with him running LESS - it's WAY worse. He's super negative, and SUPER manipulative: schmoozing the old timers at Michigan Bluff to get their WS spot, and shit-talking me to a lot of different people through several media. Of course, folks like AJW are a consistent cut from this mold.
- But relatively new is Craig being a dick. This, too, is Craig's M.O.: if you "respect" (e.g. worship and unquestion) him and remain obedient, he treats you great. If not? If you choose to go your own way, to have differing opinions or "defy" his philosophy? You're OUT. He'll still "like" you, but he'll talk non-stop shit about you behind your back. And that's what I think he's doing with me, now.

After I'd walked off to change, someone started bandying about the "Invoice" nickname again. Remember that? Monkey Boy posted that that was my new nickname, post-WS. Well, CA caught wind of it, and asked Kelsie, who claimed it was because "I charge people for stuff" - coaching, gait analysis? I dunno.

But it really pissed me off. It's just insulting. I GIVE a shitload to this community, and I'm unsure how people believe I'm supposed to support myself - pay off my debts without "not working for free". Also, how fucking much do I need to VOLUNTEER - trail work, training, races - to demonstrate my generosity, for fuck's sake?

That burned on me for the entire rest of the day. And it makes me not trust really ANYONE in LB's new Auburn posse, unfortunately.

So when I heard that Twiet the Elder wanted to run with me up trail, I wasn't super-enthusiastic, but I asked him anyway, and we went.

SUPER-easy - with a backpack full of flags, signs, and marking tape - with Twiet in tow, from the finish line, all the way up the PCT past the Rosaries to Maiden Lake Trail. Didn't have to mark anything 'til MLT, but it was still slow: had to shuffle to keep the HR under 140.

Pretty good chats with Twiet. I asked him about his solo run from Carson City to Sacramento that he did in 2008 - like 180 miles, nearly all trail! Cool stuff. I also asked about the future of WSER sponsorship and the Cup, and he claimed to not know anything...but alluded to the idea that WSER will simply pick its auto-qual races, independent of a sponsor.

Once we got to MLT, Twiet and I tied ribbon to trees every 0.1 miles, which got annoying quick - stop and go. After about 6ish miles in, he turned back to go to the pre-race meeting, and I continued on.

Marked to the AS, then hiked nearly the whole way up to Maiden, where I did copious marking on Leap of Faith, then ran down.

The way back was rough. I was TIRED and "allergic". It wasn't smokey, per se, but I was feeling something. The HR was consistently 140 even shuffling downhill. But the last 4.5 felt pretty good on that progressive downhill

Marked the last bit along the powerlines to the finish...just as it was getting dark! Sheesh!

Wound up being 4h15m for nearly 19 miles and AHR of 122! Yeesh!! I was EXHAUSTED.

PM: drove to Manley's with CA to eat, then drove to Waldo Lake - Gold Lake crossing to set up camp for a SHORT night of sleep.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
19.0 Miles