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10x 300m with CA

August 21, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: humid, air was OK...

Got out a little late this AM due to some "extra-curriculars" with Callie Alice. Nice morning: very little smoke, but fairly humid.

It was time to repeat the "no watch [looking]" repeat 300s workout, last done right before WS. Wasn't trying to push it, just looking to be efficient.

Did a grind mile in 6:15, with good HR discipline. Major focus on FEET, arm swing and "flick & pull".

Got to the track probably around 7:30 and the SEHS cc team was beginning to assemble. Still a little weird seeing the kids I once "coached". Did a lap of 50m x4 strides, then got after it.

10 consecutive 300s, with 100m jog rest. Today, after the first one, I decided I'd focus on just ONE form element each time:

1 - general
2 - feet (pushing strongly straight behind)
3 - pawback
4 - knee drive
5 - quick arms
6 - feet
7 - pawback
8 - knee drive
9 - feet
10 - feet AND pawback

By far the most effective in feeling fast AND least effort was the feet. I felt great hip power. Pawback was second, but more efforted. Knee drive was OK (also effort). Arm swing was good but TOUGH - makes me think I simply need to focus more on strong arms ALL the time, since they seemed to fatigue so quickly! Overall, doing the combined "feet and pawback" was by far the most effective in fast (and less efforted) reps.

Felt pretty good, but man, was I tired. The only thing I looked at was recovery HR, and near the end my HR was barely getting under 170 before I had to go again!

Finished up just when a boatload of the SEHS kids were assembling. Good timing. Tried to put on a good show. :-)

Good workout, but I felt pretty "cooked", afterward.

Grind mile: 6:15 (156)
55.9 (56)gen
56.2 (47)f
56.2 (53)p
56.6 (49)k
57.1 (47)a
57.8 (47)f
55.1 (54)p
56.3 (47)k
56.6 (49)f
53.6 (x)f&p
-- Average = 56.1

56.7 (61)
57.9 (52)
57.1 (49)
56.3 (52)
57.5 (54)
56.4 (54)
56.1 (52)
56.0 (50)
56.1 (54)
-- Average = 56.6

So, not a massive improvement, however, a half-second is a fair amount (for truly not looking at the watch or "trying" to be faster). Also interesting: the rest intervals are signifcantly shorter, too. So that's gotta be worth something.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.0 Miles