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September 10, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Cool, drizzle

We met at the track for some administrative talk and then did a long warmup, followed by some dynamics: fast legs, A/B skips, backwards running, two, crisp striders and 4x10 second hill springs. The assignment was 2(600m, 400m, 200m) on the grass at Cole Field. The 600s we ran at 8k effort treating the opening 100m like that of a race, the 400 at 5k, and the 200m at 3k. I paid almost no attention to splits, going by feel instead. For what it's worth I split 77 for one 400m and 32 for the last 200m. We cooled down in a few different groups, perhaps for longer than I would have liked, but I'll adjust tomorrow.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles 1:11:03 7:06 / Mile Interval