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This run is brought to you by Denny's (TM)

September 20, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: ~65 degrees, Perfect

Long run day again. Seriously, I need to do better at weekly mileage. I'm not a huge fan of having these be so much of my target mileage. Anyways, longest run yet of the season. Forgot to buy bananas for the week yesterday, so I was only able to have a granola bar beforehand. Luckily, I ate a monstrously large burger from Denny's last night, so I'm pretty sure that fueled me for the entire run. Didn't even have a gel, so I know I can make it this far totally dry. Solid run, even if I was solo the whole time. Though I will need to get an ipod that has enough battery life to last for more than an hour. On the bright side, my legs definitely feel like I did a long run today. Don't know why, but that soreness has always been kind of comforting for me.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
15.25 Miles 1:50:43 7:15 / Mile Long Brooks Ghost 7 "MURICA"