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Rubber duckies, you were the ones...

September 27, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: ~65 degrees, A Beaut

RIP Ducky warehouse. You'll be sorely missed by urban explorers all across the greater Cleveland area. It is kind of worrisome to turn a corner on your long run and just see gray smoke rising from the direction of the Village. Was a little worried that all I had to wear for the rest of the semester was bright yellow short shorts. Luckily, it wasn't, and I got to finish the run with a positive state of mind.

For the important stuff, this was my longest run to date! Felt ok, based on the watch, actually a decent pace. Didn't really feel that way, it just felt like I was slogging for the last 2.5 miles. 7:05s could be a sustainable pace for a longer run, but this course is kind of hilly, so that could mess with my feel. Also felt kind of worn out by the end, but I think if I actually had a decent night's rest, and eaten properly beforehand it would have been a little better. 1 more of these to go.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
16.0 Miles 1:53:11 7:04 / Mile Long Brooks Ghost 7 "MURICA"