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Blugold Alumni 4.25 mile race

September 5, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 70-85, 1000% humidity

Race was at 10:45 at Lowes Creek - our old (and present team) stomping grounds for training. Lots of flat cc ski trails with a shit-load of weaving mtn bike trail around it.

It was HUMID AS FUCK ALL DAY. Just insane. HR jacked to 140-150 jogging easy on the warm-up with a HUGE contingent of guys my era!


Like, 5 of the top guys from our 1998 national qualifier team showed, which was cool.

Did some strides and it was go time.

I knew I wouldn't run fast, but...this was ridiculous. Got out pretty relaxed on the flat (but rough&uneven) grass trail. Got to the K feeling good, then took a hairpin turn too hard in my flat-ass N1 roads and bit it! Fell on my right knee but rebounded quick.

But after that...that little adrenaline rush? It was "over": the humidity and that jacked the asthma and I could barely move. I didn't wear my HRM but I was 170-180 easy. First mile was maybe 5:45, then all downhill from there. We crossed a creek then up a hill for two super-flat, fast, shaded loops: no matter. I couldn't breathe!

Back across the creek and to the main loop, backwards...running like 7 pace.

Finished 4.25 in like 26:57! That's OK time for 5 miles!

Did some slow cool down with Topper, who I hadn't seen in **FOUR YEARS**. He and I were like BFFs in the early 2000s and I was his best man in his wedding in '07, so it was great to see him.

PM: cleaned up and met many of the alumns at the Livery downtown for beer and food, then another beer stop with a chunk of them (including Beavis, who rolled in late).

THEN: hooked up with my family for Will's birthday:

- beer at the Firehouse
- dinner at Milwaukee Burger Co
- chill at the hotel for a bit, playing N64!
- downtown Water St at the Joynt and Brother's til like 1AM!

Fun day, but hot and humid ALL DAY.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.0 Miles