November 13, 2015 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Other
Ugh woke up on the early side, which I guess is still sleeping in... I just waited as everyone got ready. WE dropped ff the kids at Hebrew Day School. It was really funny! Their temple is huge. I got started on the day by taking BART down to Berkeley after saying goodbye to Erin. I had some time to kill before we could get into the AirBnB. I just wanted to walk around and explore a little bit. Felt kinda like a bum, but I fit in on another college campus. Just amazed at how beautiful it is, and how ugly UMass looks... After killing some time there, headed down to Oakland to get into the AirBnB. One by one, everyone started to show up. Fel just like the old days once we all got together. Nick was still grading his exam, so we went back up to Berkeley to kill some more time, & to show everyone what campus was like. We got really hungry & ended up stopping at a reasturant to get a quick bite and chill till Nick was done. As we left the diner, Tyler Helmann walked in! what are the chances of just running into him randomly? Crazy. We went out to dinner and then went back to Nicks to just chill. Ended up watching the news about the Paris terrorist attacks. Fucked up shit... Very very tired at the end of the day (not as tired as Alyssa) since we stayed up late even for west coast time. But we were just chilling and talking. Steve came to chill which was so awesome and clutch. He gave us a ride home through Oakland. Oh it was great to see him. Passed out at the end of the day since we had our "road trip" in the morning.