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Headington road runners interval workout

November 17, 2015 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Once again the wacky workout:

3 x 4:00 at 5k pace with 1-min rest in between. Then 2-min rest at the end.
3 x 2:00 at same pace, with 1-min rest in between and 2-min at the end.
1 x 10:00 at around 10-mile pace. pretty good on the first lap, then kind of died
2 x 1:00 5k pace with 1-min jog in between

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles 0:00
1.0 Miles Warmup Brooks launch (green)
4.0 Miles Interval Brooks launch (green)
1.0 Miles Cooldown Brooks launch (green)