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SEHS GM, 4x800, 3x200 with CA

November 24, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 40, light breeze, but dry

Had a long chat last night about CA and her attitude. It was a long chat and emotional; she's been struggling, but, by and large, getting better (both physically and mentally). So it was great to have a more positive version of her today.

REALLY worked hard with her, pre-run, to get more strength out of her lower leg. She's really collapsing down on it (especially the right), which is causing all sorts of issues.

Easy jog to South, then x4 strides, working on "being tall and over the straight leg". But for me, I had another HUGE cue:


We started watching "Unbreakable" the past several days, and I was reminded of what efficient arm swing REALLY is: it's a small (if not slight) shoulder motion), with 95% of it coming at the **shoulder blades**! Turns out, I've been doing a SHITTY job of that. So on Saturday's long run, I worked hard at getting the blades back (with a compact elbow), and re-doubled that effort today, with HUGE payoff.

Found the watch today, but lost-forgot the HRM strap! So no HRM data.

Grind mile felt good, but invariably too hard (5:57). From there, an easy jog over to the track. It was COLD and a teeny breezy, but otherwise not bad. No rain.

Got after the 4x800s. It was TOUGH to just get the speed up! It was like the slowest 200 was the first one. Focused on the usuals:

- forward
- arched
- strong foot

but with the addition of "ANTON ARMS" (or shoulder blades back with compact elbows), and that was HUGE for an efficient swing AND keeping me forward! Scaps back = trunk forward!

After a couple slow first ones, I also re-focused on PAWBACK, and sped up a bit.

Felt pretty good. They were tough, but good.

200s were a breeze! CA and I regrouped and ran them together. Same focus.

From there, I had to HUSTLE to get back to work, so my "cooldown" was like sub-7 pace!

Splits (rest; no HR data)

Grind mile: 5:57 (4:23)

2:37 (2:52)
2:37 (2:59)
2:35 (2:57)
2:35 (6:50)

33.3, 32.6, 32.2

Good workout! Didn't feel like I over-extended myself.

PM: NO HUNT. Just had too much shit to do to prep for our trip.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.5 Miles