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A side of easy run, please

December 4, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Grey, mid 30s

A little chilly but honestly not too terribly unpleasant. Started off pretty quickly but wound up getting a cramp that slowed things down about. Taylor was nice about it though, even though she would have preferred a bit quicker pace I think. Headed out from my house down to Veale. From there, out to Adelbert then down MLK to the new 1 mile turnaround mark. Back up past Crawford, then back to my house. Nice run overall. Had my phone recording on Strava only for it to die two houses before I got done, so I don't actually have a reference for pace here.

Hamstrings surprisingly unsore from deadlifts yesterday during the run. They were definitely tight earlier but apparently once I got warmed up I was good to go.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.25 Miles Easy Ghost 5 Grey/Orange II