December 9, 2015 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: 55, misty
Decided to test out the ankle a little, as it felt better and better as the day went on...
Ran to Oakmont do to 0.25 on the bark, but there were annoying dog-walkers there, so I decided to just run toward PRE. Felt damn good, and I had greedy thoughts of doing my tempo 5K, but I was feeling it ever-so-slightly (lateral ankle tendon only) so I was smart and simply ran easy.
BIG focus on "relaxed and athletic ankle":
- "flick the foot forward and pull back", so it's landing whole foot, but still staying strong + pushing off strong
- otherwise whole foot, straight ahead
- "Anton arms"
Felt GOOD. Was running reasonably fast (HR jacked a bit). But it was a teeny bit sore...
Taped it on the lateral side with K-tape, and that seemed to help...
Wore the adidas boosts that I bought in FL. Good, because they have more heel drop.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
5.0 Miles |