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3x Dillard Loop Washing Machines + long cooldown

December 12, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 40s, shit weather (on off rain, breezy, COLD)

Drove from work all the way to South Eugene and up Dillard Road, damn near driving south out of town! Parked up there and did a light, slow one mile jog on the few country roads in the area that aren't massive hills.

Normally I would've done much more, but I didn't trust the ankle and wanted to max the mileage on the hard work. So once I was warmed, I grabbed a bottle in the shorts and jogged up the TH to the trail intersection...and went after it.

Ran 3x Washing Machines of:

- upper trail west, to lower trail east

Then once I hit the start, touched the TH sign and doubled back:

- lower trail west, to upper trail east

I estimated the total distance to be about 5K.

For a few reasons, this workout was EASY, despite the long interval: it was constantly different and the climbs weren't too long, and it "felt different" reversing course. But after being hurt all week, I was just HUNGZ to give it a push!

Was on mostly HR discipline on this: I wanted to push, but I didn't want to over-grind and require a long recovery, so I tried to keep it under 170 (but allowed it to fudge on grinder climbs).

Other than a handful of pedestrians (with dogs, of course), I had no issues...other than it being variably slick. It's essentially "gray gravel", but overlying it now is a ton of decaying leaves, so I had to be tentative on several of the downs. Wore the adidas Boston Boosts again - very crap tread, but oh well.

Between sets, I ran the .2 miles back to the truck, pounded more water, ate two little cookies, and jogged a recovery mile.

Saw CA on the second one, which was nice.

Overall, just tried to make it feel *sustainable* -- like some work, but like I could keep going and going. And I think it was successful.

Splits (HR) (rest)

22:23 (159), 12:26 (running clock while filling, etc)
22:57 (164), 12:35
23:16 (164)

The loops wound up being 3.05 miles and 450' of climb! A LOT more than I thought there'd be. So I was pretty pleased by that speed on those slick and rolling conditions.

Felt next-to-nothing in the ankle...again, unless I did not actively roll and push through the foot. Heavy emphasis on:

- ankle roll-N-push
- shoulder blades back (Anton Arms)

Anton Arms would evaporate on ups, so that was some good work to practice that.

Cool-down: just started running down the road. The idea was 3 total hrs of work, but to supplement with biking. But...I had no symptoms, so I kept on running! Ran a total of 50min - 5 miles-ish, super easy (with some more vert up there), for 17.5 miles!

PM: great brunch made by CA, then landry, then some work on the computer, then met up with a couple of CA's runner friends for beers. Good, chill day.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
17.5 Miles