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I'm a (Brooks) Ghost, and you know this

December 22, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: ~55 degrees, Moist

Ayy, tried to run today! Kinda worked. Since it's been a while since I tested my legs last, I figured the time was ripe for another go. I also hadn't definitively proven that my shoes weren't the only thing at fault, so I pulled out some of my old shoes to see what would happen. The old Orangedred v2s, still have dust from the NB/P-town tow path on them. Oh Junior summer, what a time.
Anyways, for the run, went mostly ok. Lungs and effort felt great, and I felt a couple aches, but not much was bad. I could definitely feel that these older shoes were definitely blown out, but my knee generally didn't bother me. Until the last 150m. That was kind of obnoxious, but it was a different kind of knee hurt. So now I'm not entirely convinced that my Murica's were the entire problem. There's definitely a good chance of a real injury, and I for sure gave a lot of time off running. But that there was still something with different shoes, is some cause for worry. I think once I get a chance, I'll try to pick up a fresh pair of shoes, see how they treat me. So much for patriotism.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.0 Miles Easy Brooks Ghost 6 "Orangered v2"