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December 21, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

Steve was interested in going out downtown to drink, but both Callie and I were tired, so we declined. He and Will - both already a little lubed from this liquored punch Steve made - went together at 9.

Callie and I hit the sack by about 10:30 or 11. For various reasons, I had trouble falling asleep: bad mixture of alcohol, too much food, I dunno. THEN I forgot to turn my phone off, and Mac randomly texted me at 11:45! UGH.

Went back to bed and was about to fall asleep, when Steve & Will came home. LOUD AS FUCK. Doors slamming, loud talking, fucking around...and it didn't stop!

Then, someone (Billy) was dry-heaving! It was like he was going between either the family room or his room (beside ours) and the bathroom, banging shit...and dry heaving! God-fucking damnit!

I'm double-pissed because A.) I'm tired and having trouble sleeping with ZERO noise, and B.) we have a damn track session planned for the morning!

So finally, I had enough, and I stormed out into the family room:

"What the FUCK is going on down here? Who the fuck is cry heaving?", I whisper-yelled. My mom, miraculously, hadn't been awoken yet.

"Shut the fuck up and go to bed!", I said.

As I was turning, Steve got pissy and mentioned something about me waking HIM up at 7AM this morning. I didn't give a shit and wasn't going to argue with a drunk-ass. As I walked away, he YELLED, "FUCK YOU, JOE!"

I kept walking, but I was PISSED. Callie was obviously up by this point, so I closed the door, but kept the light turned on. I stood there, stretching my foot, and brewing. I would not try to go to bed...but I wasn't sure what to do.

They continued to be loud as fuck. Will was SUPER-drunk and being a loud dumbass: more banging and yelling.

Finally, I hear my mom come down stairs. Same whisper-yelling (albeit nicer than mine). I grabbed a sweatshirt and bolted out the door to join her.

That's when Steve exploded in anger, the "FUCK YOU"s flying toward both my mom and I, and him tearing into me, calling me "The Golden Boy", and talking again about how HE was woken up by US.

Neither my mom or I gave a shit; we were just trying to get him to calm the F down and go to bed. But it only got worse.

He started getting in MY face. More swearing, more insults. Then, out of nowhere, he SHOVED me. So hard I flew across the room and crashed into a dresser, picture frames flying.

I was shocked. My mom must've been too, because she wss trying to physically restrain Steve, who was pushing her away. Now I'M going after my mom, trying to get her away from Steve.

Holy fuck, it was out of control. As calmly as could be, I got close to him again and told him, "You need to LEAVE"

That raged him out again, and he shoved me AGAIN: once more into the wall! Fuck's sake! I wasn't about to fight him, but I wasn't sure where this was going.

My mom, still (too) calm, agreed with me: he had to leave. But it took me dialing 911 on my phone and a finger hovering on the green button for him to get his ass out of the house.

At first we insisted that he NOT drive, so he was outside walking around (in about 25F and light snow, no less), before he did eventually get in his car and drive off - another terrible decision.

So he was gone. Callie came out from the bedroom (she'd wisely chosen to stay in the bedroom when all this went down).

My mom called his girlfriend Eva. who was unable to talk to him because Steve's phone battery had died. Eva explained that Steve's been getting drunk more frequently and "sometimes he gets like this" -- super-angry, although apparently not violent with her. She couldn't offer anything else, except that she'd let us know when he contacted her.

It's now like 1:30 AM. The three of us are sitting upstairs in the living room. What a bull-shit situation. And now I-we get to worry whether or not he gets a DUI or kills himself on the roads.

But there was nothing we could do. Finally, we go back to bed, around 2:30.

Really stupid. Steve's prone to both outburst and drama, but this is an all-time low.