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January 3, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

Today I crewed for CA while she did a wilderness run - our Cummins Ridge+Creek Route from the summer. I did so, mostly because I was nervous about her doing this 20-mile (or abbreviated 17-mile) route that had some desolate forest service roads. I didn't want anyone to mess with her.

So I drove her up to Cummins Ridge TH, dropped her off, then drove back into Yachats to do some quick work, grab a coffee, and drive the FS road back into the Wilderness, where the trail popped out.

It was cold and windy yet again, with some light rain. As I drove east and climbed, it turned to ice, and over the last mile, was solid 6-8 inches of old snow. Gotta love the FWD!

I hooked up with CA just as she was climbing up the road from the trail. The road section is a good 6-7 miles, so once I gave her water, I parked (and r-logged...except I typed it into a imitation word doc...that errors out when I try to copy the text into Rlog! F!).

I waited 20min, then drove up and saw her halfway on the road. I repeated this twice more, including on the start of Cummins Creek TH (going back west, to complete the loop). She looked good and was happy, even in the 32F and mist.

Then I drove back to 101, and to the other end of Cummins Creek and parked. She rolled through just under 3hrs for 17, solid run!

Made "tailgate eggs" there (and had Jeff Boggess and GF from Trail Butter run by!), then made our way home.

Foot was ACHY on the drive home - just resting it a certain way, driving, is sore! NOT GOOD.

I texted Kelly, my awesome massage guy, my predicament and he got me in that night! He REALLY worked the foot. It was sore and tight as FUCK!

"You should've come in a week ago", he said. He's right. Damn.

No cross-training. Just the massage, which freed it up, but it was still achy. Did some strength work, but nothing else.
