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Giles Trails

January 11, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: just a little chilly

Went on a short run with Lizzy, Sylvia, Zoe, and Aliza. We decided to go out for about 17 minutes then turn around. I lifted with Lizzy and Zoe afterward. I saw my brother in the weight room momentarily, but I'm not really sure where he is now. I did week 2 day 3 of Drew's lifting sheet after running today; I plan to lift every other day, not including weekends. I haven't been doing abs lately so I'm trying to get into a routine for that too. I want to run a bit father on Tuesday or some other day this week.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.75 Miles 32:50 8:45 / Mile   Green Nike pegasus 32