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January 15, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: I could've ran in shorts

Another short run today. I lifted for a little bit after and ended up finishing early so I ran a slow mile on the treadmill. As I was running, I watched the football team lift, and you now how they got those new winter workout shirts? Well, I noticed they've been in the weight room almost everyday this week and that they've worn those shirts during each session. So that leaves us with a few options for the football players who have shown up every day. One, they have multiple shirts; two, they are really dedicated to doing their laundry; or three... they wear the same shirts everyday without washing them.
Anyway, I'm going to take Saturday off and then maybe run on Sunday.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.5 Miles 37:47
3.5 Miles 28:53 8:15 / Mile   Green Nike pegasus 32
1.0 Miles 8:54 8:54 / Mile   Green Nike pegasus 32