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10 x 2/ Because I want to be

January 16, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Ran yesterday's mid-D workout with Taylor on the indoor track.

Jogged down to Veale with her and Kelsey, then did another half mile on the track. Drills, followed by 6x30m hard accels before heading into the meat of the workout. 10 200s, target pace set by Graz was 35, but wanted to start things off more gently than that. Set of 3, set of 4, set of 3. Splits were:

35.2,35.2,34.2 (34.6 for me on the last one)

Felt like an interval workout ought to feel I guess, so I was pretty wiped by the end but it was good. Legs actually felt really nice; gonna attribute that to the new track surface which has a LOT more rubber than the old one. Achilles and calves not too tight afterwards which was a nice surprise.

Jogged a lap before stretching a while, then back up to my house as cooldown.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.89 Miles 0:00
1.4 Miles Warmup Ghost 5 Grey/Orange
200.0 Meters   Ghost 5 Grey/Orange
2000.0 Meters Interval Ghost 5 Grey/Orange
200.0 Meters Recovery Ghost 5 Grey/Orange
1.0 Miles Cooldown Ghost 5 Grey/Orange