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RUN! 2x 2 mile on the treadmill

January 16, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

BUSY day. CA went on a long fatass run on the Willamette, and I stayed home, doing various errands:

- I have another prospective LOCAL coaching client (score! They're way easier)
- Booked a flight to see my grandpa in MS in March (5th annual spring break trip)
- did 4 loads of laundry

Then, I met Scott Williams at the clinic for a cash-based private session. He's a traveling SLP who's run with our group on and off since this summer. He's got some serious stride quirks (trunk LEFT like me!) and injured his knee in November - hasn't healed.

As expected:

- major stride imbalance (weak, tight R hip, ankle)
- trunk way left

We fixed some things, then I actually trunk taped him. He was really happy. And I got $100 cash.

Kelly and I have been talking a TON about me starting just a cash-based practice. What I want to do:

- get that UO student health PT job: 180 work days a year (FT year round: 250), only 30-out-of-40 patient hours per week (right now: 36-36), and summers off!
- start my own cash-based practice, out of his massage studio! Weekends only (like 4hr on a Sat AM). Charge $125-150 hr. I would need literally only 40 hours...a MONTH (or ten hours, or ten people a WEEK) to make the same amount I make now (seeing about 40 people a week, for 36 hours)... Anyway, this was a really good practice for that: concise treatment and very happy client!


I ran 2 miles, on the treadmill at work, for two reasons:

- to watch myself in the mirror (foot strike, hips, arms, trunk)
- to tape myself with K-tape beforehand to be sure there's NO trunk left

Stride LOOKED fantastic (I did have to work with the right foot, per usual) and there was essentially no symptoms.

Once Scott departed, I went to Oakway to work out...and ran another two miles on the treadmill. No mirrors, but I knew what whole-foot and trunk right felt like.

After that, a vigorous strength session. Three sets of:

- glutes
- abs
- push-ups
- bar squat (70 again, SORE STILL!)
- hinged bicep curls
- hinged-bent reverse flys

Good workout! Then home, to shower and convene with CA. We then went to the Eugene Public Library to study, then to the new Barnlight to study some more.

PM: burgers and hanging out at home.

Good day, but busy! BGD might have a kid and school, but yeesh...I've got a few irons in the fire. But I felt like I took care of business today...

FOOT: got fairly sore a few hours after the run and activity. I iced with peas (first time) after getting home, then alternatively elevated it and stretched it the rest of the day, so it wouldn't get super-tight.

It's doing better. WAY better than Sunday's 4 miler. Wore the high-drop Mizunos with a left heel lift.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles