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Just Remington

January 21, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: snowing

I could only run for about 20 minutes today because there was a science talk in H-courtyard. It was about imaging the blood flow alterations in the capillaries of Alzheimer victims. It was really interesting. Blood flow reduction in the brain is the main problem in Alzheimers Disease and studying blood flow could lead to discovering a potential solution. There are cures for symptoms of Alzheimers disease, but they don't stop or prevent the loss of cognitive function. Except the thing is, we don't actually need a cure. It would be incredibly difficult to find a way to reverse Alzheimers anyway. However, there is a much more realistic technique that scientists are closer to achieving and that is finding a method of delaying or slowing AD. Alzheimer's starts to appear later in life and the preclinical stage can take around 20 years. So if it were to be delayed an extra 20 years the patients would either be dead or really old by the time AD started to take full effect. This is really oversimplified and I didn't go into the science of how the cells interact at all, but I have to stop here. I'd keep going if it weren't for midterms and the final I have to take tomorrow.
I'm going to run a bit farther tomorrow to make up for today.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.6 Miles 21:43 8:21 / Mile   Purple Nike Pegasus 32