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Mud everywhere

January 31, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Is it spring already? Did winter even happen?

I went out towards the plantations and freese road trails again. I found the trail that I didn't explore last week and decided to see where it went. It's actually really nice, there are some great views. I went by two more breaks in the trail, but I only went down one. It connected to the lower freese road trail that we usually run on next to the river. I didn't go down the other one because it was basically a cliff and I think I know where it goes. I stayed on the main trail and ended up in those fields that we run through on a monkey run; the fields next to the horse barn. There was a small path that surrounds the fields which I ran on until I reached the dirt road. I went back around Beebee lake, passed the Cornell track, and then onto the east hill rec trail until I got to my house.
I tried running at a faster pace, but for some reason I could barely get to an 8:30 pace for most of the run. It was kind of like I was tired, which I guess is half true, but it definitely wasn't enough to slow me down that much. I don't know, it was weird, hopefully tuesday will be better.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.0 Miles 1:02:08 8:52 / Mile   Purple Nike Pegasus 32