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OFF - studying, coaching, working

January 30, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

Long day. Slept in a bit (I think), then met my newest LOCAL coaching client for a gait analysis and to set up an initial plan of action. I like Ilisa but she's definitely the most "Type A" and high-strung client I've ever had. Super nice though and smart, which is good. ANd she seems to be agreeable and on-board with what I'm telling her.

Spent a boatload of time at the coffee shop today: alternatively studying and working, including some gait analysis work and writing my iRF column.

NO working out today. Day 4 or so of no running. On and off soreness, but not bad...

PM: don't recall what we did, but we didn't go out. Callie had a bunch to do, too.