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to & from Oakway

February 14, 2016 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Slept in past 9, studied a bit, then had breakfast and did laundry. Then studied a bit more before going to Allan Bros at 1:30. Studied there (and did some more internet errands) til 4, then headed home.

CA and I ran to the gym and back to lift. But before we did, we got out the iPad and did some filming, making sure we were doing the right thing. I noticed for us both that we weren't "following through" with our right push-off: that we were pelvic-aligned, but the trunk would "wonk left", just the same.

So once we jogged to the gym, we did a "power step up" routine I've done before, which simply involves doing a step up, while holding a taut theraband (attached straight behind, low). So on the right leg step-up, the right arm holds the band, and you practice "punching forward" (without losing balance or wanting to wonk left).

Did some unconventional lifting:

5-6 sets of 5-6 reps of squat and hinged bicep curl
3-4 sets of band power step-ups
some big box jumps
sit-ups and push-ups

Then we jogged home around 5:30. Foot was a teeny sore on the jog home. Iced it a bit after that.

PM: "studied" some more (actually prepped my web stuff for EEEN), then went out for dinner! Went to Turtles' Loft, first, but it was closed, and then to Turtles' proper. Saw Hannah and Larry there, but when we saw the line was like 5 deep, we left and went to this little restaurant downtown called "Party Downtown". Cute little high-end foodie restaurant. AWESOME. Really good stuff. Then ice cream next door for dessert). Good day!

Very very little foot soreness in the PM, which is good, after 2.2 miles running, weights and big box jumps! Definitely rounding the corner!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.2 Miles