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February 24, 2016 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Mud, light sprinkles, high 30's

Felt really warm; I was definitely overdressed in hoodie, hat, and gloves. Ran up NP to Coventry and started a fartlek there: 50 steps all out, 400 steps recovery/ easy pace. Got 8 work intervals and 7 rest intervals in the loop around Lee to South Park and back. Felt really good to stretch my legs a bit but not too long before I was feeling pretty rough during the recoveries. Still, felt fine during the on bits. Tweaked my right ankle a bit on the way out but it didn't seem to hurt as the run went on so I wasn't too worried about it. Dece run; I'll try and get another workout style run in before the end of this week.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.3 Miles 0:00
1.0 Miles Warmup Ghost 5 Grey/Orange
2.3 Miles Fartlek Ghost 5 Grey/Orange
1.0 Miles Cooldown Ghost 5 Grey/Orange