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Starting the week off/ Wacky Weather

March 16, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Sunny, 60ish

Drove down to the outdoor track to do some repeat 2's with 200 jog recovery, goal of 30-32 seconds per. Figured 6 would be a good number when I wanted to be done at 4 after my 3rd. Did half a mile jog warmup followed by drills (toe, heel walks, side jacks, bounds, high knees, A skips, Petros) and low swing walks and skips. 2x25 accel from knee.

Changed into spikes and jogged to the end of the backstretch. Workout felt pretty decent actually, shorter recoveries than I've generally had lately but didn't kill me which was encouraging.

After I was done, jogged a lap and a half backwards and then joined Abby for a bit of her workout which was nice :) Bit much on the first one but tried to moderate the start for her last two. Also, there was a cloud that came overhead when the sun was near setting. The light falling rain/ virga overhead cast this weird yellow light that made the turf look as though it were an indoor field like at the SPIRE institute. The sun was still shining across the field from a low angle, and on the opposite side of the field there was a pretty rainbow. Really cool looking.

31.2, 32.4, 30.69, 31.1, 31.4, 30.69 (avg. 31.2 if you count the fractions)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.02 Miles 0:00
0.5 Miles Warmup Ghost 5 Grey/Orange
1200.0 Meters Interval Nike Zoom Victory Blue/White
1250.0 Meters Recovery Nike Zoom Victory Blue/White
600.0 Meters Recovery Ghost 5 Grey/Orange
1000.0 Meters Fartlek Ghost 5 Grey/Orange