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one foot in front of the other

April 6, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Got fired up for an interval workout so I headed out at 10:30 or so. Drilled once I got to the road just past Coventry before getting started. 400 steps hard effort (about 800-100m race level), long recovery jog, 300 steps similar hard effort, shorter recovery jog, 200 steps much harder effort, cooldown jog home. Did a throwback primal yell before the last interval which definitely got the adrenaline going. Felt really good to work hard and actually have to struggle a bit.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.4 Miles 0:00
1.05 Miles Warmup Ghost 5 Grey/Orange
2.0 Miles Fartlek Ghost 5 Grey/Orange
0.35 Miles Cooldown Ghost 5 Grey/Orange