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4x400 workout PM with CA

April 6, 2016 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 60s, nice - perfect

Waited until CA got home from Corvallis to work out. This was to be a light and fast "tune-up workout" for Sonoma.

We (really I) decided that she should do 200s, and pace me the first half of some 400 repeats. So after a 2-mile warm-up and strides, we rolled clockwise.

Stride felt...strong, but forced. CA was fast, so I wound up running relatively damn fast:


The usual focus areas, including my new adaptation of the "Nick Symmonds" wide-knee strides, "The Big Dick". It almost needs to feel like you have a "BD" and run with your knees wide!

Didn't do that well on the middle two, and when I began to feel right hamstring tightness, I realized the omission. Knees out? 2 seconds faster, no hamstring issues.

Felt solid, but...c'mon, I'm over-reaching. Did NOT need to run that fast. is what it is.

1-ish mile cool-down...and some more "conflict resolution" between CA and I. She was not happy that:

- I came home stressed out
- I imparted MY pressures on HER workout
- I was hyper-critical of her stride (even though she asked me)

It was hard to hear, but good to hear. I need to CHILL OUT and be more supportive and positive. Too much of my pressure on her is projection from ME. Really glad she was honest - and really calm- with me.

PM: 10min in the sauna- she's STILL super-congested, which doesn't bode well for Sonoma. Then home to eat and pack up.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles