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Horseheads Dual

April 19, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

I finally ran the 1500m which I've been dreading for a while. I knew that I'd have to run it eventually; so earlier in the morning I told myself to stop sulking around and just deal with it. I was alone for almost the entire race, but that was actually really good because I got to run it however I wanted without being influenced by anyone else. I tried not to take the first lap out too fast. The second lap was similar to the first, I didn't really know what to do with it. I wanted to run a fast third lap, but I'm not sure it was much different than the other two. I think it helped that I was trying to pick it up on this one because otherwise it could've been really slow. The last 300m I just did my best to have a strong finish. One thing that seemed small at first but actually made difference was how I looked at the race. Instead of imagining it as a 300m then three laps, I saw it as 3 laps then a 300m. I know that sounds like exactly the same thing, but it somehow really effected and helped my race. I ran 5:38, I think my pr last year was either 5:45 or 5:54. If it was 5:54 then I'll be pleased with my new time.
My next race was the 4x400m. I asked Weishaar to put me in it so I could get a feel for the 400 again. I didn't like as much as I thought I would. I know I enjoyed the 400 last year and in modified, but now I'm kinda skeptical about it. I'll still run it in meets but I think my 400 days are over. I ran a 72, which isn't fast, but I still broke my pr from last year by about 2 seconds.
There has been something bothering me on the back of my right knee since monday, I think it might be a ligament. It just hurts a bit when I bend it a lot, like when I'm standing/sitting or doing strides. It could be from hurdles. Hopefully it will just go away.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.04 Miles 41:50
1.86 Miles 15:00 8:03 / Mile Warmup  
1500.0 Meters 5:38 6:02 / Mile    
400.0 Meters 1:12 4:49 / Mile    
2.0 Miles 20:00 9:59 / Mile Cooldown