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Ithaca Relayz

April 22, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

My first race was the DMR, I was the 800m leg. We had a really strong team (Grace-1200, Zoe-400, Lizzy-1600) and I was hoping we could get top three and we ended up getting 3rd. I did better in this 800 than the one at Windsor. I ran 2:40 which is okay for me, but I still want a faster time. I had a bit of time between the DMR and 4x8. I anchored and ran way slower than the first 800. I'm actually okay with that because I knew I was running slowly the whole way and my only goals were to hold our place and have a fast final 100m. I think it's good that I was able to run a 2:52 with relative ease because it shows that I can do much more. I ran (almost) 20 minutes for my cooldown. My pace was faster than I usually run cooldowns, around 7:55 mile pace, but I felt pretty good. I ran it alone because while the rest of my relay team was at the awards stand and starting their cooldown, I was up in the stands looking for a dry shirt (I never found one), changing, trying and failing to open a trash bag, eating goldfish, spilling goldfish on the ground, and so on.
I had to do three laps of ins and outs after the cooldown. Obviously there were races on the track, so I would just do a stride down the turf then jog around in the end zone. The thing behind my knee was really painful during the strides. I think I mentioned it in my log on Tuesday, and it's been bothering me all week, but the strides felt especially bad. I did a bit of research and I think it's called the medial collateral ligament.
I went to CTB with a bunch of the distance girls after the meet. Yolore had the right idea and wore a onesie there. I don't know why she even had a onesie in her locker but it looked comfortable.
I'm really glad this week is spring break. I want to sleep in, but I have to babysit a 2 year old boy and a 4 year old girl at cass park tomorrow morning.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.56 Miles 27:22
1.86 Miles Warmup  
800.0 Meters 2:40 5:21 / Mile    
800.0 Meters 2:52 5:46 / Mile    
0.4 Miles 3:35 8:57 / Mile    
2.31 Miles 18:15 7:54 / Mile Cooldown