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Parkhurst Pre-Meet

May 13, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Easy 20 minute run today. We went through africa then around Stewart park and back to the high school. I had a doctors appointment this morning, just the annual checkup, so I got to skip periods 1-3 which was nice. They took bit of blood from my finger and towards the end of the appointment my pediatrician said that my hemoglobin level was really good. For teenage girls the healthy range is 12-15.5. Not enough hemoglobin in the blood can cause someone to be at risk of anemia. I think I was around 14.5-15 so my diet would have to change drastically before anemia becomes a concern. I might actually have to start taking calcium supplements though because I probably don't consume enough calcium. I know I stopped drinking milk about 7 years ago and only had it in my cereal from then on. The problem is I stopped eating cereal with milk every morning (I mostly eat oatmeal, fruit, and peanut butter for breakfast now) and I rarely have yogurt or cheese. So I guess I'll have to communicate with my mom about this and we'll probably figure something out soon. The pediatrician also said I'm not sleeping nearly enough. Apparently the minimum I should be getting is 8 hours, but the closest I've come to that this week is 7. I guess that explains a lot. I noticed before today that it has been taking me hours to do an assignment that only requires 30 minutes, but I never connected that to sleep. I thought I just wasn't being as productive as before. In a way, it is like a spiral. The less sleep you get, the slower work gets done, the later you go to bed, repeat. Only each night is longer than the last. Anyway, hopefully this coming week will be better than the last two. I have a feeling it will get easier because I'm almost done learning new material in my classes. :D
My brother ate some of the food I had packed for the meet tomorrow including all of the ripe bananas. I'm glad he's home but I'm really starting to appreciate some of the things I had while he was gone.
I went to the Belle Sherman fair for about 30 minutes and did the cake walk. I didn't get a cake which was too bad. Luckily Zoe M and her little sister both won earlier so I got a piece of Zoe's cake before leaving.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.25 Miles 20:00 8:53 / Mile   Purple Nike Pegasus 32