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easy and hot run

May 28, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

I got up 6:30 and I thought I might as well do my easy run right away because it would only be 25-30 minutes and the weather wouldn't get any better. I went out for a little less than 15 minutes on the rec trail towards Cornell and then turned around. On my way back I passed this guy wearing traditional kung fu clothing while doing what looked like mix of kung fu and tai chi. I felt awkward becuase he looked so focused and peaceful and then I came running by noisily within two feet of him.
Today or tomorrow I'm supposed to met some of my cousins that I didn't even know I had. It's not like we're directly related though. I think maybe our great-grandfathers were brothers and that might be our only relation.
Apparently I'm running the 3k at state quals which I did not expect. I thought I ran it for the last time this year at sectionals, but I guess not.
I'm seeing how long I can do abs everyday and I'm at a 6 day streak right now. I'm pretty sure that's more than I did over the entire winter. I haven't actually done abs yet today, but I'll do it eventually.
My running-log account has been acting up again these past few days. It uploaded two of the same log recently and I can't delete it because every time I try to open one it just says something like "we're sorry, but something went wrong". The same thing has happened a few times before. Normally this would mean I can't see the entries ever again, but running-log wasn't letting me start a new log during the period of time when I wanted to, so I wrote it in google docs first, then copy and pasted it over. I haven't deleted the one on google docs yet so if I'm really desperate to see what I wrote about sectionals for some reason I can just dig it out of there.
My mom wants me to get new shoes this weekend. The ones I have now feel fine but if my parents are paying for the new shoes then I can't turn that offer down. I think I'll get the same kind as I have now, just in a different color. I'm considering trying a half size smaller but I don't think I'll do that.

Mile 1-8:23
Mile 2-7:34
Mile 3-7:35
Mile .2-1:28

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.2 Miles 25:01 7:49 / Mile   Purple Nike Pegasus 32