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UWRF Repeat 5K workout

September 7, 2009 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 55 - 70F, HUMID

Woke up at 0600 but didn't get out the start 'til nearly 0645. Did the old AM/PM loop for a warm-up. It was a little chilly to begin with, which was a good thing, but pretty humid, with a foggy haze in the sky. Stopped to deuce at the RFHS track, then down Hell's (crow must've been sleeping) to the start.

Ran the first 3 in the Nimbus, then the last 2 in the marathoners. The plan was to do 5x 5K, run pace back to the start, stop for refuel/shoes, then go in under 2:00 total. Started the repeats at maybe 7:15

#1: Felt a little clunky. The first mile downhill was SLOW: 5:52. 2nd was faster and 3rd OK. That'd be the pattern of the day. PRETTY SURE the 1st mile is long, because it's nearly all downhill, yet it was always the slowest mile.

Ditched the shirt and pounded gatorade, as it was already warming.

#2: Felt better but I was feeling the heat already. Legs came around a bit but certainly not effortless.

Took diluted 'ade and an expresso clif shot. Peed. VERY SWEATY, salty.

#3: Came around really well on this one; the caffeine always helps. Felt very strong on the uphills, which was cool. Started to lose the breathing, though, on the uphills.

Hammered the rest of the red gatorade. Changed into Zoom Marathoners.

#4. This one felt EFFORTLESS in the first 2 miles with the light flats. Nice. At this point I was GROOVING: in a gear that I thought I could run all day. Crazy: a few years back I'd be DONE with the workout, yet it felt like I could run at that pace all day.

Lost the breathing a bit more on the uphill to the finish, but felt good.

Hammered the rest of the water and took another expresso clif.

#5: Pushed it. Tried to keep the breathing "normal" for the first mile, which was in the low 40s, then I cranked it just a bit over the last two. A lot of focus on form ("long strides, long strides" was the mantra). Aggressive on the uphill.

The damages:

18:14 (5:52/mi)
18:04 (5:49/mi)
17:56 (5:46/mi)
17:43 (5:42/mi)
17:37 (5:40/mi)

Not bad! I was tired, but it was HOT/HUMID and it was a rough weekend. I wish it'd been easier, but I'll take it.

Did about 1000m cooldown with some L IT pain, which was annoying. Not surprising, considering new shoes and all.

Grabbed the stuff, got a 44oz Gatorade and fruit at Kwik Trip, then home! Stopped at Finch's to stretch and gab, then I went back to mom's, packed up, and within 90min was off to the airport.

Walked around a TON at MSP, since I got there 2.5hr early. Good flight home, out for a beer with Jule/Quis, then HAMMERED Burgerville and grabbed a beer at Deschutes in dt PDX. Then home.

GOOD WEEKEND! I just hope I survive it unscathed!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
21.0 Miles 0:00
15.0 Miles    
6.0 Miles