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Last run for track

June 3, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

I wanted to run in the festival mile and go to the parade, but I didn't know what to do with my stuff. There was also a chance of the team room being locked up if I stayed at the parade too long. I decided to just take the bus home. When I got out there I asked this person where my bus was and she told me to go to the front of the line. I was almost there when she caught up to me and said it was at the other end of the bus line. I turned around and walked quickly over there but I heard that the buses were being released so I knew it would be tight. When I was almost there she said "wait no I was wrong it is back there". It was too late though because they buses at the front had already left. I decided I might as well run with the girls who aren't haven't started their break yet so I sent a text saying I would be there in a few minutes. Apparently it sent like six times.
We weren't really sure where to go on our run so Weishaar drove us up to the Cornell track and we went back down through Cayuga Heights. I was really tired all day in school because I went to bed at 3 last night and got up somewhere in between 6:45-7, but I felt fine on the run.

My log from state quals is inaccessible for some reason so I'm just gonna rewrite it here in case I want to look at it later.
The bus was super crowded on the trip to Vestal. The way back didn't even feel as crowded even though some of the boys were sitting on the floor next to my seat and it was a lot louder. At Vestal, I waited around for about 20 minutes before going on my progressive warm up. I really didn't want to run the 3k at that point, but then as soon as I got back to the track all I wanted was to just finish it. I went back to the stands and got my spikes and water. When I got to the turf, I realized I went down there too late because they called the 3k runners to check in. I did some high knees and two strides before they called us over to the start line. We were just standing around for a while so I got a few more drills in before we had to line up. I thought the first lap was so exciting because everyone was in a big pack. I went through the first lap in 86, but I felt like we were going pretty slowly. That feeling didn't last much longer. I heard 5:59 when I came through the first mile and I got nervous because I ran the first mile of the 3k at sectionals in a little over 6 minutes and that race wasn't very good. I had been trying to stay with this girl from Newark Valley seeded at about 11:24, but I noticed she was slowing down so I decided to go around her. On the last lap I recognized a girl who had been running ahead of me at Parkhurst and I knew I would hate it if I didn't beat her so I picked it up some more and passed her too. I heard the official say 10:45 with 200 meters left and I knew I could get a solid pr if I really pushed the last 200. I noticed Kaylee Stone wasn't racing and she was only 50 meters ahead of me so I knew that this would be my opportunity to say I beat Kaylee Stone in the 3k and I went for it. I got her in the last 40 meters which was really satisfying. I think she is injured because she had tape on her legs and she wasn't wearing spikes. I ran 11:25 (rounded down), my pr was 11:38 from the Parkhurst Invitational. I realized after I was done that this race didn't feel as bad as Parkhurst, which is weird because I ran a lot faster. I did a 20 minute cooldown and a bird pooped literally 2 inches in front of my face when I was almost done. I was still disapointed when I got back to the track because I knew it meant the end of my track season. I wore my "World's Okayest Runner" T-shirt after that and wandered around for the rest of the meet. People seemed to like my shirt, some even came up to me to say something like "nice shirt".
Overall I think this was a great meet. There were so many PRs and really impressive races. I'm happy that I was able to break my 1500m pr during the 3k as well. I knew that if I ran the 1500 again this season that I would break my pr, and I wasn't expecting it to happen like this, but I guess one way or another I ran a 1500 and broke my pr by 3 seconds. Now that the race is over, I think I could've run closer to 11 minutes, which is interesting because at the beginning of the year after my first 3k, I wasn't sure I could break 12. I guess I'll have to wait until next year.

I don't think this will be my last log in the next two weeks because I'm going on a 30 mile bike ride in Oregon and my mom wants me to start training because I haven't biked more than 2 miles in years.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.62 Miles 57:00 8:36 / Mile