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June 16, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Bike

I had an interview at the Sciencenter which was fun, but I had to bike home. I figured I might as well extend it and go around Cass Park and the farmers market too. I was planning on a going up Wycoff on my back so I decided to drop by the high school to see if anyone was there. I saw Matt Linn, Elena Chung, and one other guy but I forgot to ask for his name. I'll be back running on Saturday so I guess I will learn it soon enough.
Riding the bike was great in Stewart and Cass park but as soon as I started going uphill it became more of a struggle. I forgot to restart my watch after talking to Matt so the distance and time are just estimates. When I got back, it felt like ankle weights were attached to my legs, however that feeling receded in about 10 minutes.
I finished up my Spanish regents this morning. I would be elated right now because after 6 years of Spanish I'm finally done, but I'm rather concerned about my grade. I did well on the speaking part last week, but today my vocab fell apart on the writing and I kinda fell with it. My goal was to get above an 85 on all my regents which I thought was reasonable, but after the writing section I'm not sure I can do that on the Spanish unless the other sections on the test are near perfect. The Global was on Tuesday and it wasn't that hard, just unbearably long. I got really lucky this time because my hand never seized up in the last half-hour like it always has on previous global/english tests. I could actually feel my hand start to twitch at one point but I put down my pencil for a moment and tried to relax. I guess it helped because I was able to smoothly finish in the last 10 minutes.
Tomorrow is the Geometry regents. My dad told me that he got a 100 on his geom final so I could try to match that but it is 7:30 and I haven't studied yet because of my other regents tests.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.5 Miles 1:05:00 5:39 / Mile