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Guess Who's Back!

June 18, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Hint: it's me

I went to bed later than I was planning to last night because I randomly downloaded the Minecraft demo on my computer and was playing for about 30 minutes. I'm not sure why I did that, I don't even like video and computer games.
Anyway, Ingrid picked me up at around 7 and we went down to S Park to volunteer. We arranged cups with water on the table and on the side of the path and we even had all the pitchers filled. I thought that would give us plenty of time to resupply as runners came by, but it wasn't. After the first few runners, the rest of the race came in a bunch of huge packs and we were scrambling to fill more cups and hand them out as fast as we could. Luckily that didn't last long and there were just a few stragglers who came by after. I got to see Julia, Noah M (and his dad), Ben Supron, and my dentist who actually got in the top twenty which I thought was cool because he's, well, old. When we started cleaning up, Weishaar took a video of Rotem flipping the table and it was really funny. Overall I thought it was a lot of fun to volunteer with the girls, we should do more stuff like this. I know we're volunteering at the Cayuga Lake Tri, but I might have to do the running part of it because my family wants to make a team and I'm the only one who can easily run more than a few miles.

Before I went to the rocks to run, I shoveled a pile of dirt out of the backyard for my dad as part of his father's day gift. Actually I didn't get him anything else so really that was the whole gift. The dirt came from the removal of some bushes and the construction of a new fence we just put up. There was more dirt than I expected; I actually only got half the pile out of the yard before I left for the rocks.
I met up with Zoe and Nisha, Ian was the only guy there. We decided to run for about 25 minutes. I felt very weak running and less than a mile in I started feeling aerobically challenged too. We were going pretty fast, at least faster than I should've been going on my first day running again.

I wore the new shoes that I got during my two week break. They're the same as my other shoes, just a different color. It felt good running in new shoes again. I'm still using my purple shoes and my older green ones feel fine even though I got them in September. I think I will limit the green ones to short runs though. I tried on a different pair of shoes at the running store today. I wasn't planning on buying anything, I just wanted to know what they would feel like. I didn't like them, it was almost as if they were too stable which I know sounds weird, but I felt like they restricted any small adjustments I make in my landing to help respond to different surfaces/terrains. I'm probably so used to light shoes with minimal support that anything else feels unnatural. I am glad that I tried on that shoe (idk what it was called) because now I know that I prefer light and responsive shoes with less support.

My calves were really tight when I got home. I stretched but they are still tight so I will try again tonight. I think tomorrow I will run, but only for 10-15 minutes. I don't know if it's worth it to go the rock because even if I do run, it would be for a very short amount of time.

I only have one more regents test (chemistry) before I complete my Sophomore year.

It's interesting how life gets shorter the older we get. A summer to a 5 year old can feel like an eternity, but to a 70 year old it may feel like just a few weeks. I know I can't add on another season, but I can appreciate IXC while I have it.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.1 Miles 24:38 7:56 / Mile   Blue Nike Pegasus 32