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June 21, 2016 (Night)

Exercise Type: Bike

Finished my Chem test. All my other grades are in so my chem grade should pop up on schooltool any day now. I generally enjoyed my sophomore year but something just didn't feel right. I don't know how to explain it, it's kind of like I was anticipating something to happen the whole year but now that I'm done I've realized that whatever I was waiting for never came and it was never going to. That's still not quite accurate, but it's the best explanation I've got right now. I guess I'll have plenty of time to think about it this summer.
I went to waffle frolic after the test. All my friends love waffle frolic but it just made me feel sick. I walked home because I didn't have a ride. It took about 30 minutes total, 20 minutes to my street and 10 minutes just walking up my street.
I wasn't able to go to practice because I had my first ACT tutoring session. Biking there took about 25 minutes. Shashi, my instructor, told me a lot and so much of it was new to me. Something I thought was interesting is how the SAT/ACT is used in college applications. At really competitive schools it's like the first filter. If someone's score isn't high enough, the person reading the applications will say something like, "I'll put this one in the pile over there... that I'm not going to read". At mid-range schools it's a bit different. They may look at a students grades, but if the grades aren't high enough, the ACT/SAT scores could be the tipping point. If they see the student did worse than 75% of the previous incoming freshmen and only had semi-decent grades, they are likely to toss that application. However if they got a score better than 75% of the incoming freshmen that could be enough for the student to be accepted.
Shashi also said it would be better to take the ACT because of the major revision done on the SAT. A few of the reasons why became apparent when we were looking at the PSAT 10 test I brought. One problem about the new SAT that hasn't been worked out yet is in the reading section. Usually after one passage it asks for something like the meaning, which wouldn't be concerning on it's own, but the next question often asks which lines best support the answer to the question before it. That is a problem because if someone gets the first question wrong, they are almost guaranteed to get the second one wrong as well.
Anyway, I had to bike there so I ended up biking about 8 miles in total. When I got home it was dark so I ran for 10 minutes. I literally jumped right off my bike and started running. It felt weird and I thought I was going really slowly.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.4 Miles 45:50
4.3 Miles 23:12 5:23 / Mile    
4.1 Miles 22:38 5:31 / Mile