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Supply Day

June 22, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

I went to the Link Crew Supply Day at 9 this morning. I thought it might be an hour or two but I ended up leaving at 1:40 and they weren't even done yet. Most of that time was spent taking down ALL of the old posters around the school with a rising sophomore named Casey. I think she is good at gymnastics because she was talking about going to nationals and worlds in Florida. She also said that her little sister is interested in doing modified cross country this fall.
My mom drove me home and I got something to eat before walking back down to the high school. My bike is broken and I estimated it would take me about an hour and 10 minutes to get to the high school from my house.
When I got there, I saw Seneca and I realized that I kind of already knew him for a couple reasons. One being that we both live in the Belle Sherman area. I also remember playing Mario Kart in my basement with him and his little sister when our parents were meeting upstairs to plan the Belle Sherman 5k. It was a really long time ago, I don't really know how I remember these things.
The only girls at practice today were Rachel, Adelaide, and Elena. I know Ingrid and Zoe M. ran in the morning. Ingrid had something going on at the same time as practice, but I don't think Zoe had a reason for running in the morning.
During the run today I went off at my normal pace (or at least I thought) and at one point I couldn't hear Rachel and Adelaide talking anymore so I just assumed they stopped talking or fell a few meters behind. When I got to the first bridge in Stewart Park there were a bunch of people on it so I stopped to walk. When I looked around I couldn't see Adelaide or Rachel anywhere. I guessed that they decided to return so I just kept going. On my way back I picked up Elena, she got there just a few minutes after we left and had to run on her own. Hopefully more girls will be able to come to practice in the mornings.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.78 Miles 29:46 7:52 / Mile   Blue Nike Pegasus 32