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June 23, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Girls attendance was fairly low again today. It hasn't really been consistent either, all the girls who were there yesterday did not come today. I know where some girls are, like Rotem is in Spain, but there are many others that I'm not sure about. Elena didn't have a ride which is partially my fault because I went to bed early last night and never saw her message. Two new girls showed today, Anna and Ioana. I don't know how to pronounce Ioana's name, it's something like Iwana I think. She brought her phone on the run and after we waited at the top of Remmington we saw her walking up the last part of the hill talking to someone on her phone. I thought it was really funny because that has never happened on a run before, but I hope it doesn't happen again.
Today was my first time going up a hill in a really long time. We should do hilly runs more often. We did a big abs circle after.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.46 Miles 32:21 9:20 / Mile   Blue Nike Pegasus 32