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June 26, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Ran with Lizzy, Anna, and Elena. I had my volunteer orientation after which I thought was at 9:30 but turns out it was at 9 (opps). There weren't any issues, I just missed part of the powerpoint. I left to go to my cousins' house in Middletown, Maryland after the orientation. One of my cousins, Julia, was telling me about a trip that the senior team of her swim club goes on every year. Senior as in the top swimmers; Julia is going into 9th grade. She said that they slept for 3 of the 24 hours and alternated between dry-land and pool workouts for the rest of the time. She got back from the trip a few hours before I arrived and was so tired. I felt so bad for her because she has to do another dry-land and pool workout tomorrow morning.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.41 Miles 29:30 8:39 / Mile   Blue Nike Pegasus 32