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OFF - crazy day

June 26, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Slept in 'til maybe 8, called my mom for the belated bday call while Callie slept a bit, but mid-call she was down and packed up already, so I did the same and we were on the road by 9.

Rough day, because we HAD TO move. With camp this week and the lease ending on Thursday, we had to get back. So we hauled back to Eugene.

Lots of long "re-calibration chats" with CA on the way back. Frankly, it's been a TOUGH last month: I've been super-stressed and busy, and so has she, with her job making her work 10-12 hour days. I think WSER was really fun for her, but also really tough -- not being "fit enough" or feeling like she "belongs", when she's not there to run. Even feeling "not in shape enough" is hard for her. Post-race on Saturday was hard for her, becuase at least *I* got to live vicariously through Didrik, and she felt like my scatter-brained-ness was alienating her even more.

Ugh. I get it. I've been there. It's hard. But it's important for us both to do that stuff. I feel like I was in her spot two years ago, and now I'm in a better place - of more "acceptance" of where I'm at, and less NEED to be "The Man". I think her improving perspective AND improving fitness and ability will be the necessary 1-2 punch for her to feel most comfortable, here soon.

We also talked about how damn annoying it is to stuff "six pounds of shit into a five-pound bag" - how dumb it is to go to WSER but not be able to hang out, etc. We both tend to over-commmit...but we're committed to NOT doing that next year!

Three stops on the way home (at Granzellas, an awesome restaurant - stop-off in Williams; Weed, and Canyonville) and we still got home by 4:30.

- returned the rental car
- packed up
- Kelly came over and helped us move about 85% of ALL the shit! SO clutch!
- I got all the stuff from Matt's and Tommy's
- we moved in! (OK, threw our shit in the house).

The house isn't great, but it's a huge improvement, and the neighborhood is awesome.

Got done at 9PM, then ate and hung out - our LAST night in SM#31!

BUSY day.