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Giles to Devon

June 29, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

I didn't run yesterday because I was cooped up in the car for a few days and my legs hurt. I stretched a lot last night and they felt better today.
Lizzy, Elena, and Aliza came to practice. Lizzy and I mostly talked about gymnastics, hockey, and the girls team when we were running. Lizzy pointed out how many of the girls came from other sports, like she did gymnastics, I stopped playing hockey in early January, Nisha did Taekwondo (I think), Char played soccer, and Sylvia played basketball. Zoe is possibly the only one who ran before she was old enough to join.
I felt pretty good on the run, I've actually been feeling pretty strong lately but I still don't know what to do with my arms. I want to bring them closer to my body, but then my shoulders rise up and get really tight.

I leave for Oregon on Sunday. I won't come back until the 16th which is about two weeks after I leave. There are a few days I won't have an opportunity to run and a few other days I'm a little skeptical about so I'll try to make a plan that will allow enough time to get the right mileage in both weeks. We're driving somewhere new every day except for the last three days so I know I will be in the car a lot. My parents are flying back to Ithaca on the 12th, but I will be flying to Florida with my brother. We're switching plans at like 2am in Detroit so I'm going to need a wagon or something to pull him through the airport to our next plane. I shouldn't have any problems with finding time to run in Florida because my grandparents don't usually do more than one activity per day. Heat will be an issue though. I've been to Florida once before in the summer and I know it will be scorching hot there. I'll probably have to get up at around 5 if I really want to avoid the sun.

Yesterday I had a tour at Bucknell University. I think out of the three colleges I saw on Monday and Tuesday, it's currently and tie between Gettysburg and Bucknell. Dickinson College got kicked off the list.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.57 Miles 38:32 8:25 / Mile   Blue Nike Pegasus 32