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June 30, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Better attendance than usual today. Some girls are just starting to come back from vacation but I'm leaving this weekend. Anna is going to Cape Cod for 10 days, and Zoe M is going to Switzerland on Friday and won't be back until September. I want to start next week's mileage on Saturday and Sunday so that I can just go on a really short run or find an activity like hiking if there is no time to run on busy days.

We ran out to the lighthouse then came back under the bridge. Nothing very eventful. I wanted to run faster because I felt so comfortable at an 8 min pace, but when I looked around everyone would be farther back and I had to slow down. We did some stretching and abs after the run.

I decided to clean my room today and in the process I basically ripped it apart and then put it back together. It took about 6 hours and I'm not quite done yet. I got rid of so much stuff including all of my work from 6th through 10th grade. I filled almost 3/4 of the recycling bin with paper. I could've done this before, but I guess the time just felt right. I'm thinking about rearranging some things and reorganizing but I'll see what I want to do tomorrow. I might work on that when I get back from Oregon.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.75 Miles 32:04 8:33 / Mile   Purple Nike Pegasus 32