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July 2, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

I started next week's mileage today. I was supposed to run 4 miles at an 8 minute pace but that didn't exactly happen. I started at an 8:20 pace and I eventually sped up but when I looked at my watch it said 6:50, which I didn't expect, so I slowed down. Apparently not enough.

I ran from the rocks where Lizzy, Carmen, and Lena met up. Ben, Ryuki, and Alexander were there when I left, but Ben said that Alex turned around at the first corner and went home. I did a police station run like the rest of the girls but it was only 3.84 miles so I added on a little. Tomorrow I'm going to bike somewhere else to do my run, probably around Cornell, because the sidewalk started to hurt my knees and shins after a couple miles. It really wasn't that noticeable, but I don't want to run 6 miles on a road/sidewalk.

We're leaving at 11am tomorrow. I'm not sure how long it will take me to bike, run, and prepare to leave Ithaca so I'll probably start earlier than when I think I should. We're going to land really late at night (at least it will be late to us) in Portland and then drive somewhere else Monday morning. As soon as I find out where we will be and what we're doing on Monday I'll know if I can run or not.
It was so difficult packing because I had to fit everything for two weeks in my carry-on bag and personal bag. I also I had to plan ahead for how I'm going to pack my things for Florida because I won't be able to bring a carry-on bag. I went to Florida in March or February with only a personal bag, but I left from Ithaca. This time I'll be spending 10 days in Oregon first. I did manage to fit more than I thought I would. I got both pairs of running shoes and I might even be able to bring a third for walking around. I'm only disappointed about not being able to bring a book because there wasn't enough space left after I packed up my camera. At the rocks today I said that I'm going to take lots of pictures, and I will, but won't have access to a computer so I won't be able to upload or share any that I take on my camera until I get home. I'll be back on July 16th. I wish if I didn't have to miss some of the first fun runs.
During track I occasionally added in the splits for my runs and I think I'll start doing that again. Except this season I'll try to remember more often and be consistent with it.

Mile 1-7:45
Mile 2-7:13
Mile 3-7:24
Mile 4-7:33

Also, Iceland plays France at 3:00pm (eastern time) tomorrow. I would highly recommend watching. I will unfortunately be on the plane during that time so I'm going to miss their game. Again. I hope they beat France tomorrow and Germany on July 7th so I will have a chance to watch them in the finals on July 10th.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles 29:57 7:29 / Mile   Blue Nike Pegasus 32