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MKTC - AM two-lapper around Suttle Lake with CA

June 30, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 50s, but dry and nice

Up EARLY to get in a run before the 827th crazy day in the past 2 months. Out running just a shade after 6, this time some easy running around Suttle Lake before camp started.

CA led us easy, and the HR was super-low. The lake was surprisingly scenic, flat, and enjoyable to run around. 3.75 miles. Did the first lap in about 10:30-9:30 pace, then the second in about 8:30-9:30 pace, which was solid. Tired, but very easy.

Rest of the day:

- showered and packed up
- breakfast (pancakes with PB and real syrup!)
- packed up and drove east past Black Butte for trail work with the kids

Trail work consisted of reviving an old east side trail lost to a fire- totally overgrown with a fair amount of snag blowdown. The kids were AWESOME! Did a bunch of brush and tread work, and - by the time CA and I had to bail - had completely revived about a mile of trail! Really fun and cool!

It sucked to leave, and leave early, but we had to get back. Said our goodbyes to the kids, counselors, and Max, then hit the road, down the hill.

Rest of the day:

- to the new place to unpack and get my truck
- to the old place to "finish" moving!
- CA had her 90-day review, so she was on the phone with her boss for 90-minutes while I did ALL the damn packing. It sucked, but oh well.
- FINALLY got packed and out by 8ish, and the shit dumped into 4705 at 830
- celebrated the move with beers at Highlands, with Tommy and OD-Julie!

Good day, but LONG and tiring. More of this to come.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.5 Miles