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July 5, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

The plane ride to Oregon was kinda boring. I talked to a woman dressed in green and a girl my age returning from Germany. I tried reading towards the end but I was so tired I couldn't focus on the words. We spent the night in a hotel outside Portland before leaving in the morning to drive to our B&B near Mt.Hood.
I didn't run on Monday because we were either driving or hiking for almost the whole day. The hikes we went on were beautiful. I took hundreds of pictures on my camera. The trees here are so tall and the roads are really nice, much better than New York's. The B&B we stayed at was way out in the country on top of a mountain. There was a clear view of Mt.Hood. Their gravel driveway was about half a mile long and steeper than Gun Hill in some areas so my dad drove me down to the paved roads on Tuesday morning. I ran on the side which was a mix of dirt and gravel. I was surrounded by mountains and orchards the whole time I was running which was incredible. This was definitely one of the best runs I've gone on. I also passed a horse and a llama and a little white bird. The bird was just standing in the grass and barely moved when I ran by. My dad was driving along side me the whole time so instead of doing an out and back I just kept going down the long roads until I reached 4 miles. I was barely putting any effort in but my pace was still pretty quick because it was actually all downhill (like I said, BEST RUN EVER!).
We're leaving for Bend this morning and will stay in another B&B for two nights instead of just one.

Mile 1-7:32
Mile 2-7:26
Mile 3-8:09
Mile 4-7:52

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles 31:00 7:44 / Mile   Blue Nike Pegasus 32