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Newport Beach

July 8, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Sorry if this one is a bit long

Yesterday I went to day 7 of the US Olympic trials. It was unbelievable actually being there, I feel so lucky that I got the opportunity to watch. I wanted to get dinner and fill up my water bottle after a couple hours but I didn't want to leave my seat. I loved watching the women's 5k, 1500m, and steeple chase. It was incredible seeing all the athletes right in front of me, not just on my phone's screen. Three runners that I obsess over (Jordan Hasay, Brenda Martinez, and Emma Coburn) were there and it was so hard for me to contain my excitement.
There was a space in between the track and the athletes' tents that they blocked off whenever someone walked through. I stood there for a little and got to see some athletes up close. Like they literally passed within a foot of where I was standing. The women's shot put team was just finishing their victory lap and I knew that would be my best opportunity to get a picture because they were all really happy. I saw Raven Saunders walking and I asked for a picture. And she said yes!!! I was so excited after, my parents were surprised I actually got a picture with someone. After the trials were over, we left and drove to Newport.

Newport is cloudy, windy, and there is always a misty rain drifting down from the sky. It wasn't like this just today, the weather is like this every day, year round. In July the average high is 65 and in January the average high is 51. Apparently this is the dryest time of the year too, even though it raining all day. Without a watch I literally wouldn't know what time it is. When I woke up it was raining and cloudy, and it's still raining and cloudy right now (9:05pm).

I left for my run in the late afternoon. It wasn't so great. I felt fine, the problem was Newport. At the start of the run I was hoping to avoid the sketchy areas, but that was before I realized the whole town is sketchy. I tried running on the beach because that was the safest area, but the tide was in, my feet kept sinking into the sand, and the wind was insane. I went up to the the town which is more hilly than Ithaca. There were cars on probably two of the streets, everywhere else was deserted. That would've been nice, except on many of the street corners I would see a group of people hanging out and I didn't know if it would be safe going near them. I always turned around when this happened and went back to the busy street. I had to pass a few people when I was on the sidewalk. Two of them were very supportive, they said stuff like "go girl go!" but another guy tried to trip me. I went back to the beach after running in the town for four miles. By comparison it was much better. I went in the other direction that time and the wind pushed me forward which was nice but I knew I would have to turn around after a mile. Going back the other way was rough but I was so desperate to finish the 6 miles. During the last mile, I was putting in the effort of maybe a 7:20 pace but I was really going at a 7:40 pace because of the wind. If I had to take a good thing out of this run it's that I'm not picky about where I run anymore and I'm more bold when I run in suspicious areas. I do know when it's best to turn back though.
I'm not sure where we're staying or what we're doing tomorrow. I'll try to run but if not I'll just run on Sunday when we get to Portland. I'm really glad I ran last Saturday and Sunday otherwise I would be in a bad position with this week's mileage right now.

Mile 1-8:11
Mile 2-8:35
Mile 3-8:19
Mile 4-8:07
Mile 5-8:02
Mile 6-7:52

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles 49:08 8:11 / Mile   Blue Nike Pegasus 32