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July 12, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

The B&B we stayed at for our last two nights in Oregon had an old cat named Monti. He is older than me and really sweet. The first time I saw him I held out my hand and expected him to approach cautiously, but he came right over without any hesitation.

I ran 4 miles this morning. It was okay, I avoided the really bad neighborhoods this time. I started out slowly and then picked it up towards the end.

Yesterday I was walking around in downtown Portland and I saw a lot more people wandering around while starting at their phones than usual. Some were in pairs, others were alone. If I didn't know that Pokemon Go came out recently then I would have been confused. When I got back last night I actually downloaded the game but I can't see the Pokemon on my screen. Today I tried to catch a green Pokemon, and the map displayed my avatar literally right on top of it, but I couldn't see it on the camera. I'll try again in Florida. Idk why I'm even including all this in my log, I guess I'm just kinda bored right now.
I have to wait three hours at the airport before I can board my plane at 11pm. I arrive in Chicago at around 5am and then I have to hurry over to my next flight which leaves 30 minutes after I get to the Chicago airport. I'll arrive in Florida at approximately 8:30am, but to me that will feel like 11:30am. I'll be really tired when I get there but my parents told me I should wait until 7pm to go to sleep and I guess that makes sense. If I do that then tomorrow won't be very enjoyable. I think I have one or two more runs before I complete the mileage for this week. Neither of them are happpening tomorrow. Possibly Thursday. I get back Saturday afternoon so I might run in the night when I return to Ithaca. I'll just see what happens.

Mile 1-8:15
Mile 2-7:58
Mile 3-8:09
Mile 4-7:34

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.1 Miles 32:35 7:56 / Mile   Blue Nike Pegasus 32