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July 15, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: I survived

I ran a bit faster than usual on this one because I wanted to finish the six miles before the sun rose over the trees and because it was totally flat. I got to stay in the shade for most of the run which helped a lot. The humidity was about 10% lower today. Yesterday it was 90%, this morning it was about 80% and that also made the conditions better. I'm not saying 85 degrees F with 80% humidity is ideal, I'd just prefer it over 90-95 degrees with 90% humidity any day. There weren't any hills so I couldn't do the hill workout, but I get back to Ithaca on Monday so I'll be able to run hills soon.
I also noticed that the scratches on my shin from the fork that hit me when I was biking last week are gone. I still don't know how that happened. I was almost done with a 42 mile bike ride in Bend when a metal fork went flying into my leg and that's how I got the scratches. Where the fork came from is the question.

Mile 1-7:52
Mile 2-7:49
Mile 3-7:48
Mile 4-8:04
Mile 5-7:52
Mile 6-7:50

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles 47:17 7:52 / Mile   Blue Nike Pegasus 32