September 15, 2009 (Afternoon)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: hot
So today I was so stressed about school stuff that I couldn't wait to come to practice and just get away from it all for a few hours.
Today I thrived. I felt so strong (even on the jog there and back). Even though it's so much hotter than yesterday. I did 5. On my 3rd one I decided to do 4 instead of 5, then on my 4th one I decided to do 5 instead. My quickest time was 4 even, my slowest was 4:23.
I think it was how much water I drank yesterday and today (except in spanish...prohibido beber la agua en la clase..). Or maybe the vitamins I started taking again Sunday? Or my extra sleep or the extra push ups and abs at night? Or my positive attitude? Or just a really good combination of it all.
No matter what it is and why, I'm so psyched that my body's been cooperating this week.